The Financial Well-Beings of US Parents By An Age Cohort Analysis of Their Children

Faculty Sponsor: Valerie Nazzaro

Live Poster Session: Zoom Link

Peer Tutors and Mentors - Wesleyan University
Tenzin Jamdol

Tenzin is a third year Education and East Asian Studies double major with a concentration in literature in culture. Her interests include children’s education across print and digital platforms through media and literature. 

Abstract: Much of the existing literature considers many things that could potentially affect financial well-being like income levels, medical conditions, access to resources, and even gender. My research adds to this list by looking at what point in parenting you are likely to be most financially vulnerable. The data show a fluctuating correlation between the two but that generally, FWB stoops when your child is less than 7 years old and peaks when your child is 18+. Though slightly lower, the overall results are consistent among divorced parents as well.
