QAC 201Z: Applied Data Analysis Prof. Valerie Nazzaro
Live Poster Session: Zoom Link
Abstract: Both interracial and Queer partnerships are examples of non-normative relationships that have become both visible and legally viable through a number of shifts in our social and political climates. Past research has demonstrated that Queer relationships are more likely to be interracial than heterosexual relationships; however, much of the existing literature is centered primarily on the preferences of White participants. This research attempts to gauge the “perspectives of the perceived,” questioning whether an association between sexuality and openness to interracial dating varies across race/ethnicity demographics. Statistical analyses reveal that, for the sample population, race moderates the relationship between sexuality and openness. Participants of color, on average, expressed greater openness than their White counterparts. Additionally, the likelihood of being open increases for all race/ethnicity demographics when an individual is Queer, except, however, for Hispanic participants.